“Aren’t you worried about earthquakes?” some friends asked me when I moved from New York to California four years ago. Well since I’ve been here I haven’t felt one yet, but this week there was a 5.9 magnitude earthquake on the East Coast.
And as I type this email, Hurricane Irene is heading for the East Coast, probably passing through New York City. All the news outlets are quick to point out the rarity of hurricanes in the north east.
What should we make of it – earthquakes and hurricanes in unexpected places? Unlike some who assume to know the reason G-d made these things happen, I don’t suppose to know G-d's plans and I suggest that you dismiss those who claim that they do. However, we can and should learn a practical lesson from all that we experience.
My first thoughts when hearing this type of news is that it’s G-d's way of reminding us that He’s still here. And no matter how much we understand about this world and can accurately predict, there’s a force that is not limited. It’s greater than any computer model and is not restricted by rules, such as “earthquakes happen in California”.
This coming week we begin the Jewish month of Elul, which leads up to the High Holidays. It is a month in which G-d is accessible to all. The parable is given of the king who visits the simple workers in the field and makes it possible for them to speak with the king. It is an appropriate time to remind ourselves of G-ds relevance in our lives and more importantly, it’s an excellent time to add a mitzvah.