“G-d is dead.”
– Nietzsche
“Nietzsche is dead.”
– G-d
Who’s right? I vote with G-d on this one. And I’m joined by most of the American public. A vast majority of Americans believe in G-d; if G-d would be running for election, He would win in a landslide. So why then are we so uncomfortable discussing G-d with our children (or anyone else for that matter)?
I’m bringing this up because next week is Rosh Hashanah and you are thinking about participating in – or not participating in - High Holiday services. Although you may not have an inkling as to why, you are thinking about it and notwithstanding your final decision, this time of year reminds you of your Jewish soul.
Your soul is calling and I encourage you to answer the call. You may actually like what it has to say. Throughout the year you experience it. You recognize the feeling that you often have. There is something that’s lacking in my life. Hint – it’s not a new car or another vacation (although either of those may dull the empty feeling for a short while).
So what to do about it? For starters, join us for High Holiday services. Block out some time, any amount of time, and plan to be fully engaged. Come in, sit down and tune in. Don’t listen to the cantor, don’t listen to the rabbi – listen to your soul. (Click here for the full High Holiday schedule and to reserve a seat).
May you and your family be blessed with a happy and healthy, sweet New Year!! I look forward to seeing you on Rosh Hashanah.