Did you know that the Jewish people lived in Israel long before the ancient Roman Empire began, and for more years than the Roman Empire lasted? If your information about our connection to the land comes from popular news sources, the answer would be, “No.”
Our connection to the Holy Land of Israel traces all the way to the beginning of creation. Rashi, the great Torah commentator, in his very first comment on the Torah wonders, “Why does the Torah begin with the creation narrative? Why begin a book of laws with stories?” He explains that this is to remind us that G-d created the world; therefore He has the authority to give us, the Jewish nation, the Land of Israel.
An additional fact that is so often overlooked is that for over 1000 years Jewish people lived in Israel and for long periods of time controlled it exclusively. Two Jewish Temples stood in Jerusalem many years before Islam was ever founded.
To claim that we have no right to the land is nothing less than “Chutzpah” (to steal something else that has been a traditional Jewish trademark…), yet so many well-meaning but uninformed people accept this notion.
If you have found yourself to be uncertain as to the validity of our claim to the land, (including the so-called West Bank and Gaza for that matter), you owe it to yourself to get educated. Here’s a great place to start, Eyes Upon the Land.
One more thought, in addition to the geographic Israel, there is the concept of Israel, a holy land. Although we live outside of the Holy Land, we have the ability to create the “Holy Land” experience in our own lives. When we infuse our lives with meaning and holiness, through the observance of mitzvahs, we create the atmosphere of the Holy Land in our own location.
This shouldn’t sound daunting; it can be accomplished step by small, baby step. Click here for some excellent one-minute suggestions as to how we can make the atmosphere in our lives more like the Holy Land.