It could happen that we forget to remember something (listen, it happens to the best of us!); today I’m encouraging you to remember to forget something. Actually, more than one thing:
Remember to forget greed and you will have a more content life.
Remember to forget anger and you will have a more peaceful life.
Remember to forget pride and you will have a more forgiving life.
Isn't it depressing? When we stop to think about it, there are so many negative traits that weigh us down. We could be working all our life to refine our character and rid ourselves of negative traits.
We can spend all our life digging in the dirt; working to clean ourselves of the dirt accumulated by negative traits. But is that how we want to live our lives?
This is why I’m suggesting, don’t dig in the dirt; don’t work to rid yourself of any possible negative traits – just forget them.
You see, there are two ways we can deal with a negative trait – we can dig in the dirt and grapple with it, understand the negative trait and work to slowly refine our character.
Or we could focus on light; we can work on strengthening our positive traits. The Chassidic method of character refinement is one of light – focusing on strengthening the positive and adding in light, and the darkness will then melt away.
Adding in Torah study, especially the deeper dimensions of the Torah, is an excellent method of adding light. Beginning each day with 10 minutes (or more) of Torah study raises one to a higher plane and infuses the day with light.
The best part of it is that modern technology enables us to incorporate Torah study in our lives with such ease. Our website,, is an excellent resource with hundreds of thousands of pages worth of excellent content to study – there’s the Daily Dose of Wisdom and the weekly Torah Portion; there’s audio classes and video classes and so much more!