It seems like the word is out, the top secret Jewish Space Laser™ for world domination has been leaked to the public. We’ll have to revert to our secondary devices, please alert your friends and family.
I’m sure it won’t be long before we’re accused of being behind the GameStop/Reddit turmoil this past week.
In all seriousness, the antisemites do have one thing correct: we do fully intend to change the world. However it’s not our exclusive project, every human alive today is encouraged to contribute to the effort.
The physical world we inhabit is called a “false world” because it portrays itself as being devoid of G-dliness; in reality, it’s very existence is wholly dependent on G-d.
Our role, our very purpose of existence, is to reveal the truth of this reality. We should live our lives and make choices that reflect our connection to the Higher Source. It’s the mission with which we were charged by G-d and we’ve been working at it for thousands of years.
And we’ve made remarkable progress; rights that are considered universal today began as Jewish values. Individual rights, property rights, women's rights and so many more fundamental societal values, all started as Jewish values.
Everyone knows that we’re here to change the world. That’s why when we forget or don’t fully live up to our role, they try to remind us. Clumsily and offensively, by blaming significant events on us or “revealing” our plot for world domination. They have the details somewhat muddled.
But on one thing they are right, we are all part of a grand master plan to change the world. No, it doesn’t include space lasers or other deep secrets. It’s about revealing the Divine nature of reality and our individual and collective role in making it happen.