
Baruch Dayan Hoemes.

Thursday, 6 March, 2008 - 5:54 pm

Blessed be the True Judge. There are no other words that can be used to express the reaction to the heinous and cowardly attack in Jerusalem today. Although I generally don’t discuss politics, this sort of news is not political. It’s terrible.

It’s terrible on every level; the attack, the events over the past few years leading to this attack (and others like it) and worst of all, is the response of the weak and disillusioned Israeli government.

The Foreign Ministry said the attack would not stop Israel's peace efforts.

Why, pray tell, not? Who are we negotiating with anyway? Not Hamas, they responded to the attack with celebration.

In Gaza City, residents went out into the streets and fired rifles in the air in celebration after hearing news of the attack on the yeshiva.

With who? With Abbas? Negotiating with him is like trying to negotiate a deal to buy a property with the janitor. He has no control over what happens there! Besides, he himself is complicit in these sorts of attacks.

One thing, though, we can learn from our enemies; how to play the media. Look at Abbas’ quote.

"The president condemns all attacks that target civilians, whether they are Palestinian or Israeli," the PA said in a statement.

“Whether they are Palestinian or Israeli” eh? When was the last time the Israeli’s TARGETED civilians? They never do! They go out of their way and risk their own lives, rather than target civilians. Unfortunately, many times, “innocent civilians” get killed. Not by fault of the Israeli’s, rather because the cowardly terrorists prefer to fight from civilian areas knowing that the Israeli’s will hold their fire!

I hope that this will be last piece of bad news from Israel.

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