
Wednesday, 5 March, 2008 - 7:55 pm

I just came across this site The site is dedicated to showing that Jimmy Carter is an anti Semite. I know that the ex-President is not known as a friend of the Jews, but some of the “incriminating evidence” is - in my opinion - a little far-fetched. Still, there are some points that are a little disturbing, especially considering that he was once the President. It also helps give a little background perspective to his offensive, inaccurate book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid”. Although I haven’t read the book, just from the title you can tell what his intention is, and it’s not to promote any “love of the land”. It’s old news, but here’s a great review from Harvard professor, Alan Dershowitz on this book and here’s an article he wrote about his old friend, Carter.

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