
Inspiring Jewish pride and identity in Jewish children - the future of Judaism.
Learn it! Live it! Love it!

Welcome to Chabad Hebrew School!
Welcome to the exciting world of Chabad Hebrew School! 
Our unique program provides each student with a deep pride and joy in Judaism as we explore together our rich heritage through hands-on activities and classes. Our curriculum is developed by a team of top notch educators, implementing cutting edge methods of teaching, incorporating STEAM into our many activities.
Our classes meet on Sundays, from 10am - 12:30pm. 
Each child is whole world, and we are committed to giving each child the tools they need to live as a proud Jew. Try it and see for yourself! 
What do Karate and Hebrew Reading have in common you ask?
Karate is a traditional art that is divided into ten colored levels. Moving up a level is a proof of hard work and determination and is therefore a source of pride.  
Aleph Champ takes inspiration from Karate and divides Hebrew reading skills  into 10 colored levels. There are fun games and activities to help the students meet their goals. Moving up a level is Aleph Champ is a source of pride for students and this makes them self motivated to succeed. Self motivated students is a quality that is unique to the Aleph Champ Hebrew Reading program.
1. Clearly breaks down Hebrew reading into manageable goals and levels.

2. Allows for multiple levels of student within one classroom.

3. Identifies students reading skills, and areas of difficulty for staff and parents

4. Success alone is the motivation. Students are personally inspired to advance.
Click Here to read more about this innovative and highly successful program! 

NEW for the 2024-2025 school year:

Our school will be introducing an innovative new curriculum called “Light House: Making My Home Hashem's Home,” developed by the International Chabad Children’s Network (CKids).

Throughout the year, students will explore how we can make Hashem (G-d) feel welcome in our world, through the mitzvot we do in our daily lives. Inspired by the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, each lesson centers on ways to make our homes a place where Hashem is known. Topics include celebrating Shabbat, making blessings, honoring parents, giving charity, and much more. And of course, each lesson includes hands-on STEM activities that will keep the kids excited and engaged at every step!

 We can’t wait to see this new curriculum empower another year of proud Jewish kids, and we would love for your family to be a part of this exciting journey.`

JEWQ:We are excited to have expanded JewQ to Grades 2-6! Each student will get to participate in the local competition, and have a chance to participate in the regional and international competitions too!

CLICK HERE to find out more about this exciting and one-of-a-kind competition!

Kitah Aleph EXPANDEDWe are excited to announce the expanded Kitah Aleph, to include ages 4 and 5. Morah Yudit has many years of experience teaching this age group, and will bring her skill and joy to the classroom, for each student to have a most engaging and exciting year immersed in Jewish study and beginning to learn the Alef-Bet.


Each Jewish child is a part of the most powerful army in the world - the Army of Hashem. We are proud to be part of this international motivational program to encourage Jewish children to change the world by fighting darkness with light. Each and every mitzvah adds light to the world, eliminating the darkness. Children move up in rank by doing mitzvah missions and get rewarded with prizes for each new rank reached. We firmly believe that the children have the power to change the world!


Once again, Chabad Hebrew School has joined the hundreds of Chabad Hebrew School around the world implementing the CKids interactive Holiday Clubs. These clubs are during Hebrew School time (unless otherwise indicated) and are free of charge to students; they are open to non-CHS students too. Look out for for information about our first club, the Rosh Hashanah Airlines, happening on September 29! Feel free to share with others!

As always, please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at 916 608 9811 ext 102 or email me at  [email protected]

Registration for 2024-2025 is now open!
CLICK HERE to register for the new school year,
C LICK HERE to see our dates and rates!
If you have any questions, feel free to email [email protected] or call 916 608 9811. We look forward to hearing from you!
Click here to get a glimpse of all the fun at Hebrew School!
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Hebrew School 2021-2022 Begins Sunday, September 12
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