At Chabad, our primary goal is to prepare our children to live Jewish lives with pride, knowledge, and enthusiasm. When your child reaches the age of Bat Mitzvah, we share the privilege and responsibility of welcoming her into the adult Jewish community with your family. Together, we hope to instill the meaning and significance of the occasion, to celebrate appropriately, and to honor your child's place among the Jewish people. At Chabad we have prepared the following guidelines to assist you in planning for this joyous occasion.

Who can be Bat Mitzvah at Chabad?

In order to hold your child's ceremony and/or celebration at Chabad, the following requirements must be met:

1. Your child must be Jewish according to the Halachic guidelines that have been in place for thousands of years.

2. Upon receiving a date for the Bat Mitzvah, we encourage the family to participate in Chabad programs and events whenever possible.

3. We recommend that both the Bat Mitzvah girl and siblings be enrolled in the Hebrew School in order to include the whole family in the Bat Mitzvah experience.

Age and Dates: 

Bat Mitzvah is the day on which a Jewish girl becomes responsible for Mitzvot and accountable for both positive and negative behaviors under Jewish law. According to the Talmud, this milestone takes place at the age 12. This happens automatically on their Jewish birth date, regardless of the way that the day is marked. The ceremony and celebration should take place as close to the Jewish birthday as possible. The Jewish calendar is lunar and represents the years from creation. The secular calendar is based on the solar cycle. As a child grows, the Jewish and secular birthdays may move weeks apart. To determine your child's Jewish birthday, a two hundred year calendar must be consulted with the Rabbi's or Rebbetzin's guidance. 

We recommend scheduling Bat Mitzvahs at least 14 months prior to your child's 12th birthday. While planning and preparation takes about one year, it is important to get the date on the Chabad calendar to avoid any conflicts. To choose a date, set up an initial meeting with the Rebbetzin to determine your child's Jewish birthday. Your child's Bat Mitzvah must be in the year following that date, as close as possible to the date but not before it. 

Bat Mitzvah Club: 

The Bat Mizvah Club is designed with your daughter in mind. There are 12 group meetings for girls ages 11-12, where they explore together what it means to be a Jewish woman in our modern era. Through hands on activites, games and discussions, the girls build their self confidence, Jewish pride and lasting friendships. The Bat Mitzvah Club meets every other week over a 6 month period, and concludes with a Mother-Daughter Ceremony & Celebratory Dinner. The Bat Mitzvah Club is run by Rebbetzin Yudit. Email [email protected] for more information or questions.





Bat Mitzvah Celebration: 

The Bat Mitzvah ceremony takes place on the day that is arranged with Rebbetzin Goldie. The ceremony includes a presentation by the Bat Mitzvah girl, speeches by the Rabbi and Rebbetzin, and an optional speech by the parents. We do our best to cater to the guests who are present at the event, making the experience as welcoming, warm and inspirational as can be. Rebbetzin Goldie works with each family to prepare for the celebration and with the Bat Mitzvah girl to prepare her speech.

There are several ways to honor this special occasion with the child. Families may choose to celebrate over the weekend with a Kiddush on Shabbat or a Sunday brunch. The party must be one at which the food that is brought in meets our Kashrut standards. Chabad approves certain caterers, meats, and bakeries. Please speak to Rebbetzin Goldie for ideas and suggestions in this regard.

Fees and Donations:

Bat Mitzvah Club Registration Fee: $125

Bat Mitzvah Club (12 meetings with Rebbetzin Yudit) $750 

Bat MItzvah preparation and ceremony (With Rebbetzin Goldie) $350 

Hosting the celebration at Chabad: There is a $400 fee to use the Chabad facilities to host the celebration.  This includes janitorial expenses.  Catering not included.  Chai Club Members: in appreciation for your continued support, there is a discounted price of $250 to use the facility.

In addition, a donation to Chabad for $360-$500 is requested in honor of this special occasion.  Many families choose to dedicate books in our library or new Chumashim or Siddurim in honor of the Bat Mitzvah girl and her family.

CLICK HERE to register for the Bat Mitzvah Club!

At Chabad, our primary objective is that every Jew should have the ability to experience and learn about their heritage.  No one is ever turned away due to lack of funds.

For additional information or to schedule a Bat Mitzvah, please call Goldie at (916).608.9811 or email at [email protected]