Photo Credit: Deluxe
Yes, It’s true: You too can receive Manna from Heaven. We tend to think that this was (or wasn’t, if you choose to question) a one time miracle, something that G-d performed for our ancestors on their way out of Egypt. The truth is that no matter your perspective on the veracity of the account, the Manna narrative in this week’s Torah portion provides timely guidance to each of us.
It teaches us how to have a healthy relationship with our money and physical possessions. Think about this for a minute: Who has it better? We who work hard daily to make a living or them, who received a daily sustenance from on High? Wouldn’t you agree that they had it better? They didn’t need to work and their livelihood was delivered to their doorstep. They were free to pursue their passions and hobbies their entire lives’ - they didn’t have to wait for retirement! The truth is that they may have had Manna delivered daily but it was something that they couldn’t store, they couldn't save it for another day. Therefore there was a constant sense of vulnerability - the gnawing feeling that it may not be there tomorrow. They had to fully trust G-d that He would pull through the next day and provide for them once again. We may have the ability to save our income and with it, the sense of control and dependability, but it comes with a huge risk attached: We can easily become arrogant and selfish. In reality we have a choice: we can view life in the most dry physical sense, a race of survival of the fittest. When we view our money and possessions through this lense, we may find momentary success but our soul will be thrown to the curb, unnourished and abandoned, leaving us feeling disturbingly empty on the inside. Viewed this way, our livelihood requires us to work ever harder and longer for our keep. And we will never truly be satisfied, because that is the nature of the physical. Or we can view our livelihood as being Manna from Heaven, lovingly granted to us directly from G-d Himself. Then, our primary focus is not on hours invested or limited achievement, rather on fostering an intimate relationship with the Source of blessing in our life: G-d. When viewed this way, our focus is on ensuring that we are deserving recipients of G-d’s blessings. In this paradigm, our soul remains nourished and we always have the ability to share the blessing that we have been granted.
Whether we become rich or not is not relevant, but we will always be satisfied. And you know what? The reduced stress will enable us to live a much longer, healthier and happier life.